Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Good Morning Good Morning!!

Good Morning Kids!!

How is everyone this bright, foggy morning??  I'm up and about, drinking my tea and wondering if the grass in the backyard will ever dry enough so that I can finish my mowing!  I'm talking to my friend Esther and she says it's not at all foggy out there, but it's sure foggy here!

Maybe the fog is one reason why the grass stays so wet.  I really need to get my mowing done, but my mower clogs up with wet grass all the time.

The other day I went to Spencer with Esther, Dave and Pearl.  Dave had a Dr. appointment, and we just went along for the ride.  While in Spencer we stopped at Price's Market.  Pearl needed to get some plants for the garden and Price's has such beautiful plants.

I took a few pictures of the flowers.  Hope you enjoy them.

I just LOVE all the pretty colors and textures that come with late Spring/early Summer.  It amazes me that after so many months of snow and ice, the land can produce such an abundant blaze of color.  Hopefully soon I will be able to get out and about in the woods and get some pictures of what is going on without the assistance of mankind.

Well kiddies, I've got to be signing off.  I still haven't done my yoga routine, and I've not even finished my first cup of tea.  I'm a bit off this morning, so I guess it's okay.

Hopefully things will straighten out soon!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bethany said: Hey, Girl!! I love it when you share pictures!! I think we live in one of the most beautiful states!! Peace, Love, Faith, and Freedom!!!