Friday, September 18, 2009

Good Morning!!!

Good Morning!!

It's a bright, sunny 61 degrees in Calhoun County with humidity of, are you ready???, 97%!!!! Oh yes, it's one of THOSE days in the hills of ole West Virginia!! The pollen count is 4.8 for ragweed, sage/sagebrush and nettle....oh, joy! But that's not too bad, it's just irritating!!

I had company last night, and I enlisted their help in stuffing some of the prims that I'm trying to get made. This one handed crap is getting to be a real pain, and I don't mean in the hand either!!

But, we did manage to get a few of them stuffed and ready to be closed up and stained and then on their way to the painting, sanding, etc that needs to be done! Gee, wonder what I'm going to be doing today?????

Here is a picture of a black cat wall hanging that I'm working on. She will have a tea stained "apron" that hangs down over her middle that says "Happy Hallows".:

This little guy will be a black cat too.:

I'm trying to make a dove. I've never done one before, so this is a first:

Here's a witch's hat that's not finished yet:

Here's some hearts and stars that I'm making for a friend. The aren't even close to being done:

Here are some ghost, hearts and stars that need to be stuffed:

So you see, I'm going to be a busy bee today!!

But, maybe I'll be back and make y'all laugh!!


1 comment:

Janice said...

What cute crafts!! I can not wait to see the end result!!
