Monday, December 21, 2009

Speaking from a snow tunnel

Hello all!!

I hate to complain, but.......yeah, snow and winter weather advisories, ice and sure is winter.  It's all of 30.9 degrees this morning, and the humidity is 95%!  And yes, we are under a winter weather advisory!  

So, what does one do when one is trapped in the house by more snow than they care to think about?  This "one" sews, and does some quilting, and cleans and wonders when the snow will melt......although the thought of mud and slime isn't high on my list either, I'd rather have mud and not freezing temperatures than have snow and 20 something temperatures, but I'm strange that way.

So, today I will be cleaning carpets and probably starting on the cookies that I've put off for days now.  I enjoy making cookies, I just don't enjoy all of the mess that is involved with it.  I even enjoy cleaning carpets, but I'm strange so what do you expect?

This morning the pups went for their morning "outside" thing, and none of them wanted out there for any longer than was necessary.  For some reason the babies are as sick of the snow as I am.  I think maybe it has to do with not being able to see as far as usual because of snow drifts.......or maybe it's because it's cold and they are spoiled pups used to staying warm.  Not sure which, but ......

But anyway....I've added a few snow pictures for your enjoyment (or dread).  So sit back, sip a cuppa and think of better days.


Sandra said...

Hi,just don't like weather forcast for Christmas,I like snow,for Christmas,but enough is enough,be ok if would stay off of roads, lol,everyone just try and stay warm

Rue said...

Wow - do you ever have snow! I'm not surprised the pups didn't want to stay out!

Stay warm!

Nik said...

I'm coming to visit youuuuu.